Through my inborn capacity to feel, sense, and listen deeply - to resonate with another - I bring richness, depth, sensitivity, empowerment and love to my work. My heart knows the strong link between psychological distress and creative expression, so I find it of immense importance to keep the imagination alive in my work and everyday life.

My work spans from Body-centred therapy, Psychosynthesis and Psychodynamic psychotherapy, and Jungian psychoanalysis, to Meditation and Continuum movement- a deeply transforming moving meditation practice originated by Emile Conrad.

I lived and worked in London for 20 years, and moved to Copenhagen in 2008 where I now run my private practice. Since 2002, I have served the teaching faculty of the London based Re-Vision Centre for Integrative Psychosynthesis, where I trained, as well as PsykosyntesInsitut in Gothenburg, Tobias-skolen and ID Academy in Copenhagen; all as a main trainer and supervisor. I have also co-founded the Supervision training ‘Relational Supervision’ - a diploma level (kandidatniveau) training offered in Copenhagen and Sweden.

Fundamentally, my approach is Integrative and Transpersonal, resting on a eksistentiel and psychodynamic, and soulful ground where the moment to moment resonating field between therapist and client, is key.

30 years of experience with a diverse client base enables me to adapt to the specific needs of each client or supervisee, inviting a mutual partnership of deep inquiry into soul rather than attempting to ‘fix and cure’ or deliver a solution.

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Professional associations and validating bodies:               

UK Council for Psychotherapy UKCP

Psykoterapeutforeningen MPF  

Continuum Teacher association CTA

My calling is to support manifesting the embodied spirits that we all are, by building trust in being guided by the ever changing movements of life with reverence and ease.

In service of Soul, I offer heartfelt psychotherapy and soulful guidance, trainings, supervision, groups on dreams as well as continuum meditation for anyone wishing to open to the inner pool of peace in which true freedom becomes possible.

I adhere to the codes and ethics of ReVision, my member organisation, the UK Council for Psychotherapy, and Dansk Psykoterapeut Forening, which ensures I have regular supervision and continue to develop personally, professionally and spiritually.